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Bagua Mirror

Price (tax incl.) :
21,00 €
Availability :
10-15 working days
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The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 1
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Bagua mirrors can also be used to counteract negative Qi of a spiritual nature such as evil entities.

They are only used outside the house, office or retail business, and are mounted above the door or window with the mirror facing toward the offending object/"poison arrow". Never use a bagua mirror on the inside.

Hint. Place a bagua mirror above your front door to harmonise and create good fortune for all those that enter. Next time you visit a Chinese restaurant or business, have a look above the entrance for a bagua mirror.

Product #13270

Composition :
Diameter :
9.8 cm

Discount on cart :
Estimated delivery :
Wed 14th - Thu Aug 29th

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