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Lion dance, Shaolin, products on special orders...

We have added new carrying cases, Shaolin uniforms, a new three sectional staff and more... We also now supply lion dance costumes at reasonable price for very high quality.... Browse our New products page.
Warning, some of those products are only available on special orders. That means that you have to contact us by email before ordering.
Here is following the list of new entries:
- Southern Style Lion Dance Costume
- Tiger Fork
- Thirteen Sections Whip Chain (Large width)
- Tai Ji Broadsword Yang Style (Upper Range)
- Three Sectional Staff - Model 2
- Shaolin Uniform
- 100cm "Delux 2" Carrying Case
- 120cm Carrying Case
- 150cm Carrying Case
Also, you can browse our new educational videos:
- Educational
And the list of new products:
- New products