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Wushu uniforms

Browse our new Wushu uniforms (Chang Quan, Nan Quan and Tai Ji Quan). Made off linen, those high quality uniforms are suitable for modern and traditional practices. Also, a large range of colour and sizes is available...
Range of size from 1m45 to 2m00.
- Uniform : Northern Style (Chang Quan)
- Uniform : Southern Style (Nan Quan)
- Uniform : Internal Style (Tai Ji Quan)

Also available, videos of All China Games 2005 2nd rounds:
- VCD - Championship : All China Games 2005, 2nd Round
- VCD - Championship : All China Games 2005, Tai Ji 2nd round

And, 2 new carrying cases:
- "Delux" Carrying Case
- Carrying Case - Stick/Spear