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Posted on 2017-01-17 News
Our suppliers are closing their workshops to celebrate Chinese New year and the coming year of the roaster. Your order will be processed starting from February 10th.
Posted on 2016-09-13 News
You can now order separebly customized pants and tops. Also, a friendly visual interface helps you select the colors and allows you to visualize the final render.
Posted on 2016-09-01 News
Select the colors for your customizable uniform, and visualize in real time the final result! It is also working on mobile devices. And check out our range of «Tangzhuang» clothes, also customizable.
New interface for custom uniforms
Posted on 2016-08-12 News We implemented a new user friendly visual interface to help you select the colors for your customizable uniforms (chang quan, taiji and nan quan). And it will be soon implemented for mots of the clothes that we sell.
Posted on 2016-07-13 News
Discover our personalized uniforms for Chang Quan, Nan Quan, Taiji and Wudang. Dozen of different models for each style, different fabrics and large choice of colors